Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Ego & the pre / trans fallacy

Still using the metaphor of the Human Operating System, we could say that the Ego is an artifact of version 2. It did not exist in version 1, and will not exist in version3 (except perhaps as legacy code). Let me explain that a bit more, because I see a lot of confusion on this.

The lack of ego in HOS v.1 is not selflessness, but simply a lack of self-awareness. A baby is an unabashed parasite, but innocent because it has no ego yet. If an adult woke you up by screaming in the middle of the night, you would not be so tolerant, I wager. Anyway, the ego is an iffy thing well into version 2.1 (the tribal level), where people don't really think for themselves. They follow tradition, they follow the chieftain / gang leader, they follow more or less subtle cues from their fellow tribesmen. There is no sense of personal responsibility, but not really of personal glory either. Even in the civilized west, many people hover around this level for life. It is no wonder that skeptics, when hearing about "ego death", suspect that this will be the result. It is, in cults.

We could say that the first "non-ego" is on the OUTSIDE of the ego. The eyes are turned away from oneself, toward the outer world and the things one can find there, much like an animal. In contrast, the mystic "non-ego" is on the INSIDE of the ego. The eyes are turned inward, toward other treasures. As of today at least, it can not be reached without passing THROUGH the ego from the outside inward. I believe that when v.3 is fully realized, children may be able to pass either directly or very quickly from non-ego to non-ego.

You could say that the ego stands between the world (on the outside) and consciousness (on the inside). The v.1 does not see itself as separate from the world. The v.3 does not see itself as separate from consciousness. (I will not get into whether the world is separate from consciousness. Perhaps it will be important in some other context, but not here.)

In more traditional Christian terms, we could say that on the inside we find spirit. As of version 2, the flesh (outside) battles against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh. They are opposed to each other, so we cannot do what we want. (What we want, by nature, is probably to have the flesh in this life and the spirit in the next. This is unlikely to happen, though, because the thing that should have entered into the world of spirit did never grow ready to be born, and may even be dead.)

This is kinda disturbing to read even to me who write it. I wonder which will happen to me in the end. What I know is that there is no return to the innocence of before the ego.

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