Monday, July 19, 2010

Belief vs resonance

It is true that I read religious or spiritual books that range pretty far, including the holy scriptures of foreign religions. There is however a difference between the way I read these and the way I read what I believe to be my own faith. When I read something else, I test the spirit of what I read: Does it make my heart resonate? Does it strengthen the life within that I believe already is from Heaven? I am not a "seeker" looking for a new faith to give myself over to, but I am seeking to deepen what is already there. Unless I can say "I wish I had said this" or something like that, it goes in the "diverse mythologies and mythunderstandings" compartment, at least for now.

I would not say I read critically: By the time we write religious books, or even blogs, I assume we are seeking to share our happiness with other people. But neither am I looking to make a fresh start in my life: I already have something in my heart that I treasure and that I hope to retain for eternity.

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