Lower worlds are the worlds we create. Higher worlds are the worlds that create us.
Create is not influence or change. They all do. Lower worlds drain or dissipate our energy. Higher worlds increase our energy. This does not necessarily feel good. Higher worlds are "larger than life" and tend to make us feel smaller. Lower worlds make us feel "larger than life". Higher worlds are unbearable without humility. Lower worlds do not encourage humility.
Cannot a world be both higher and lower? Worlds weave in and out of our own. This is great because we can descend or ascend on a gradual "ramp" from where we already are. A higher world may be seen as man-created by those who do not recognize it. But these worlds are not made by man, but discovered by or revealed to man. Example: Holy scriptures. A modernist theologian will point out how scriptures were assembled from different sources at certain times. These confuse the map and the terrain. By going there you will know.
Higher or Most High? A world can be higher than the ordinary world and yet not be perfect. Having recognized something as higher tempts us to label it as perfect and put all our trust in it. "Angel worship." Beware that, say angels. Even the heavens have heavens.
Higher worlds unify, simplify. Lower worlds exemplify, diversify. Simplicity in lower worlds caused by selectively omitting parts of the whole. Simplicity in higher worlds caused by including more of the whole.